Nespresso account manager Megan popped in for a visit last week to check everything is going well with our professional coffee machine. Plumbed in with its own water filter, it certainly gets a lot of use. This hot machine can deliver two espresso coffees every 40 seconds or so.
And Nespresso delivers a great range of quality coffees which our customers can order directly at economical prices - way cheaper than ordering a flat white in the high street. And our used capsules are simply recycled by Nespresso themselves, to ensure your morning roast is both uplifting and environmentally sound.
"Every morning I look forward to my Nespresso coffee at the Hive - Ristretto is my absolute favourite flavour" says Rulli Magno, one of our coworking-desk users. (Editor's note: Ristretto is the strong one).
At Hastings HIVE, we take coffee and tea breaks seriously - they serve important workplace social and business needs - you can read more about this here.
Book a tour and we'll make you a coffee whilst we show you around.