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Hastings HIVE - a great place to grow

Updated: Dec 14, 2019

Interior designer Amy Henderson explains

Hastings HIVE is the premier co-working space in the Hawke's Bay. Shared spaces are not new but, what is a fresh idea is taking the working environment for small business in the regions, to the next level of fit-out. We used materials and designs that would be right at home in London, New York or Toronto, some of the world's major financial centres where the global trend for shared offices started. The design brief included bringing to life our brand expression, "simply sophisticated," and what could be more simple or sophisticated than beautiful planting? 

Cafe area looking towards the designer kitchen
The green wall and wall planters in the cafe area will grow and soften

Amy Henderson, creator of the interior design for Hastings HIVE, specified the distinctive green wall in its central cafe area, and was excited when she discovered the honeycomb product was manufactured right here in NZ. "Adam, from Pollen, was great to deal with, providing design support and multiple plan iterations as the concept evolved. It's a striking feature which accentuates the 'busy hive' design theme," says Amy. “All we needed were some nice plants and someone to water them."

Which is easier said than done Amy, when you run an i-space, with zero on-site staff. But sometimes the universe just provides. “We met Jo through mutual friends, as often happens in the Bay,” says Jenny, co-owner of Hastings HIVE. “Jo has a passion for turning spaces green, even HIVES. And Amy and Jo were on the same wavelength right from the start, which was great.”

Design provided to The Green Goose showing the honeycomb green wall & wall hangers for planting

Jenny, Rob and Jo being photobombed by bird of paradise plants!

The Green Goose brought in attractive and healthy plants, transforming the steel honeycomb structure into a green wall, and then filled large planters around the i-space with colour and more greenery. Amy reports from her design notes,  "In the relaxed lounge area and right through the circulation spaces, Jo, and business partner Guy, really delivered with even more substantial planting and complimentary colours and contrasting shapes. The plants will grow and soften into their surroundings, to be as much part of Hastings HIVE as the honeycomb and planters they inhabit."

Don't be surprised if you are welcomed to Hastings HIVE by Jo Pinkham from The Green Goose. Jo is also the part-time community manager at Hastings HIVE, and she will care about your business growth, almost as much as her plants!

Amy Henderson

Proudly supporting the honeycomb from

With Jo Pinkham from

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